Thursday, August 6, 2015

Coming back to blogger after numerous failed attempts at mobile blogging

Tumblr is great but the mobile posting app sucks!

I have been using my tumblr app for quite some time and really enjoy publishing my random thoughts to my tumblr blog.

The problem is I cannot add an image to my posts when blogging on my mobile smartphone.

As I like to enjoy using Pinterest to share my links this is always a problem as there are never any photos on my blog post.

Well I can add photos later using my laptop or desktop computer, this is an extra staff I would rather avoid.

By using my voice to text apps on my android phone, I can quickly create content for my readers without having to spend a lot of time typing.

If only I could add photos to my tumblr blog while using my mobile phone I would be happy. However, the Tumblr mobile app leaves much to be desired!

This is what led me to my search for better mobile blogging posting apps.

My search for mobile blogging let me back to blogger. Blogger has been around for a long time and was eventually acquired by Google. How silly of me to forget that Google usually has the answers to my content creation needs.

I am about to try to add a photo to this blog post using nothing but a smart phone. Let's see if it works.

Well I can add a link by selecting text first, I find myself rather disappointed by the fact I can still not add a photo to this blog post using my smartphone.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The 4 Secrets to Manifest your Destiny

The 4 Secrets to Manifest your Destiny 
Written by Jafree Ozwald

Most people don't know how easy it is to create their dream life.  They struggle for years trying all sorts of things until they are blue in their face and finally stop believing that they have the ability and power to manifest anything.  People think that only a few specially gifted people can manifest miracles and attract whatever their heart desires.  The truth is that even though materializing money out of thin air may seem impossible to the rational mind, it is as natural as the warmth from the sunshine above.

You were born with a natural ability to materialize thoughts into physical form. It is your very nature. From the time you were a small child, you had the power to create your reality. It is a gift you were given to help you learn how to empower and enlighten yourself in this world.  By simply learning how to harness the hidden power of your mind, you will start seeing what a magical manifesting being you truly are.  The golden key is in learning how to relax your body, focus your mind, and increase your joy vibration.

"Like attracts like. Whatever the conscious mind thinks and believes, the subconscious mind identically creates." ~Brian Adams

The greatest cosmic joke on mankind is that we are just human, and not also divine.  When the mind opens up to realize the fact that you must have both spirit and matter to exist, then your playground becomes a thousand times bigger.  When you accept the divine aspect of yourself, you stop being limited by the thoughts you're thinking and start opening yourself to being the creator of each one.  You begin to understand how to manifest your destiny.

The first thing you want to practice is having a constant positive focus of your mind. By holding a simple positive intention 24 hours a day, you can mysteriously materialize your desires without lifting a single finger!  You think this is a joke, yet I do this everyday and it works!   I simply hold onto the feeling of what I want to manifest as if it has already happened, and trust that it's already on its way.

Perhaps you are like many of us who were taught to believe that you aren't connected to a higher power, or don't have the time to fool around with learning how to manifest your dream life.  You may be running on autopilot, and unaware of the skeptical saboteur that is controlling your thinking.  It's often this negativity and resistance to the new, which keeps one stuck in the same old patterns, income, relationships and tired way of living. You have exactly what it takes to let go, and consciously retrain your brain to embrace the new.  This is the golden key to become a manifesting magnet! 

"Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you." ~Shakti Gawain

The experience of manifestation is a natural occurrence that can happen for anyone when they have the right knowledge, vibration and awareness.  By practicing this exercise below, you'll begin to create a subtle shift in your thinking, which will take you into FEELING that you can do anything!  Below are 4 powerful secrets that will help you start FEELING that you can make this shift and start manifesting your destiny this week! 

Secret #1  Have absolute clarity on what you truly want to manifest. The more specific your intention is, the easier it is for the Universe to know what you really want. Specific desires create specific results.  Vague request and unclear goals create wishy-washy results. 

Secret #2  Choose to manifest one thing at a time.  If you pour your energy into 8 different desires you'll only be giving a little energy to that special one that truly matters.  Pick the one that matters THE MOST to you, that makes your heart sing, and stick with it (and only it) for 90 days in a row at the very least.

Secret #3  Hold your Intention for 3 minutes a day.  A powerful intention stems from a true desire found deep inside your heart. Choose to focus on a desire that is totally free from any "shoulds", "need to's", and "have to's".  This means you feel empowered, alive and free anytime you think about it. 

Secret #4  Have FUN visualizing your desire happening for you. If you are too serious about it you're cutting off that warm fuzzy flow of manifesting energy. Lightness always wins over hardness in the end, and its best to enjoy each moment of your life to the fullest!

"Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs." ~Vaclav Havel

If you want to see results fast, it's important to take action in the world whenever your motivation arises.  The Universe needs to know that you really want to manifest this one thing, so taking inspired action steps is how you communicate your sincerity.  Anytime you act from inspiration it also increases the level of joy in your body.  When your energy is HIGH enough the Universe will effortlessly bring whatever you want to you. 

When your joy-valve is 100% open, and you FEEL like you could skyrocket over the moon, the manifestations you desire spontaneously occur.  They'll show up like magic, divine synchronicities that may make you think you had nothing to do with it.  Yet, as you start living from inspired actions daily, you'll see your desires manifest faster and easier.

We have developed a proven manifesting technology below that is guaranteed to skyrocket your life into the next dimension.  The Super Manifesting Program contains 12 Manifesting Meditations on MP3 audio and the 90 Day Manifesting Program.  The morning manifesting routine you'll learn in this program is guaranteed to create results within 90 days or less. Yes, whatever you want to manifest can and soon will be yours!  Thousands of people from over 60 countries around the world have experienced dramatic life changing results and we have hundreds of testimonials to prove it!  Get ready to become the master of your destiny and become a Super Manifesting Magnet! 

In this free video you will learn...
1. How to become a Powerful Manifesting Magnet.
2. The Greatest Secret to Truly Master your Mind.
3. Exactly what you can do right now to help your desires manifest faster.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Using CircleCount.Com To Find Your Equals on Google+

Anyone can find celebrities or other people with huge followings but what if you want to find people with less followers? How can you decide which ones to follow? It helps if you know which ones are getting comments and +1's (likes) on their posts. It can also be a benefit to know who is producing content that get re shared by other Google Plus members. Using Circle Count now this is possible.

From the Main Page Click On the Popular Menu Item

Choose Country and Minimum + Maximum Number Of Followers

Notice You Can Choose From Reshares, Comments OR +1's

A Useful Feature is the History of New Followers

You Can Also See the Last 20 Posts To Get An
 Idea Which Posts Get Shared of Commented

Go to Circle Count

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This free manual can help you attract more success in your life.
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